Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

I've been hearing from several people that I really need to update this thing. And let me just say, I agree! I haven't been ignoring it by choice, I really do have good excuses! First, I was sad because of missing Cher's final concert in Vegas (yes, this was a major life event for me); next, I was deathly ill for a while, and I'm still slightly hoarse and coughing, AND I work pretty much all the time, usually until well after midnight. I've also been busy preparing for my family's visit. My mom, dad, and brother are arriving tomorrow, and anyone who knows me can imagine their trip is going to be quite regimented. I may or may not have written out a schedule for each day they're here.

But, I digress. Here are just a few things I've been up to lately:

1. Earning my ears- this means I finally completed training at my job. I know I don't talk about the actual work part much, but trust me, it takes up quite a bit of my time...usually 6 days a week. It's just the least interesting and most unpleasant part of my life, so there isn't much to talk about. However, I will say I LOVE 95% of the people I work with. The full time/part timers are so nice and helpful when I don't know something, and I'm starting to be really good friends with some of the other CPs.

2. Typhoon Lagoon- I finally visited one of the water parks! Roommate Corri and I spent the morning at Typhoon Lagoon a few days ago, and it was so fun. She had never been on a water slide before, so that was an experience for her. I did the body slides (which I HATE), in preparation for Summit Plummet, the second tallest/fastest body slide in the world, located at Blizzard Beach. And Typhoon has a super cool wave pool...I could have stayed in for hours.

3. Roommate Pictures- My roommates and I have long vilified the tour groups who walk around wearing matching shirts, but after we were described as "castlemates" by a few princesses, we had to get Castlemates 2011 shirts and take cute pictures. A couple examples below:

Yes, that's definitely Tinkerbell in our hands!

4. White Glove Award- Our apartment complex has routine inspections, and our first one was today. You can either fail, pass, or receive the White Glove Award, which basically means you have a spotless apartment. Today we got the White Glove! I hope nobody who has seen the general state of my room fainted after reading that...

5. Buzz Lightyear- The Buzz Lightyear ride is more of a technology challenged predecessor to Toy Story Mania, but still a favorite of mine. As everyone knows, I love a competition, even if it's only with myself, and about a week ago I FINALLY completely maxed out the ride, as in got the highest score it's possible to get! I took a picture of my screen because 1. I was so excited, and 2. I was alone and I wanted everyone to believe I really did it!

6. Tower of Terror- There really isn't a lot to say about this, except roommate Alex and I happened to get on Tower of Terror ALL ALONE. I really just wrote this part so I would have an excuse to put the picture up, I think it's one of the coolest/funniest pictures ever.

7. Sorcerer Mickey- Sorcerer Mickey is my favorite Mickey, and luckily I got to meet him the other day when Corri was being "friends" with him. If you don't understand what I mean by this, let me try to explain. Because there is of course only ONE Mickey, ONE Minnie, ONE Cinderella, etc., character performers are never referred to as "being" those characters. They are called friends of characters because they, in a way, assist these characters in making it to all the parks pretty much all day, every day. And remember, roommate Corri is a character performer. Hopefully everyone gets it now...if not, well...sorry. And sadly, because I know roommate Corri very well and therefore know her "friend" Sorcerer Mickey, this does not count as part of the "getting over my fear of characters" challenge. I'm going to do it the right way!

I was telling Mickey all about my morning...

8. Guest Service Fanatic- Sometimes, if a manager sees someone doing a really great job, or if a guest comments specifically about a cast member being extra friendly/helpful/whatever, that cast member will get rewarded in the form of a Guest Service Fanatic card. I finally got one the other day! They have a drawing for rewards for people who receive these every month, but really I'm just excited it will be on my record in case I try to extend and move to my preferred position, Concierge, because obviously guest service is a huge part of the job there.

9. Bill Nye- Does everyone else remember Bill Nye the Science Guy? Well, I for sure remember watching his show all the time when I was little, and today, Bill Nye was HERE and I got to go see him! He was doing presentations in Epcot for Engineering Week. And here is what I learned today at his presentation. Bill Nye has had some work done, people. That's really all I could focus on the whole time, his extremely smooth face. Now obviously I'm not against plastic surgery, hello Cher is my favorite person in the world. But, just saying, he is definitely not all natural.

10. WISHES- I haven't seen this nearly as much as I'd like, but it's hard because I work nights. I have been to see it EVERY night I have off though! And it never gets old. In fact, I think it moves me more and more each time I see it. I just love everything about Walt and the magic of Disney SO. MUCH.

Ok, hopefully that will satisfy everyone for now. I probably left a few things out, but my day to day life isn't that cool. I don't want my entries to eventually be relegated to "Today, I went to Epcot. It was fun. Today, I went to work. It was exhausting." Nobody wants to read that. And I really don't think people are all that interested in reading about my life as it is. Excluding my family, that is. BUT, I promise to not put it off for so long next time. I should have quite a bit to write about after my parents visit, we have a jam-packed schedule! Until next time...

Have a magical day!