Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Disney Day 1! And Day 2.

This is probably going to be pretty long, so bear with me. I know it's only been a couple days but we've already done SO much.

On the 9th, I left South Carolina bright and early and kept myself amused by calling people for most of the 7 hour drive down, it really wasn't so bad except for the momentary freak-out when I thought I forgot my makeup (but I didn't!). I met Corri and Allie at our hotel for the night, All-Star Sports, then we headed to downtown Disney to meet up with some other girls from the program. Dinner at Planet Hollywood (a very important picture from this is coming in a bit!), then we hopped a bus to the Grand Floridian to see...WISHES from across the lake! Then off to the Polynesian where we goofed off on the beach for a little bit, then we left and literally fell into bed like it was 3 AM, even though it was only around 10:30.

They still had a few Christmas decorations up at Downtown Disney. Toy Story tree!

If anyone was wondering how long I could go without mentioning Cher...wonder no more! Look at the handprints I found outside of Planet Hollywood!

On the 10th (yesterday) we got up at 6, and arrived at Check In at 7, where we met Alex. Check In is supposed to start at 9, but they usually start it at 8...so around 8 we headed back to a building where we did paperwork, filled out more paperwork, oh, and did I mention paperwork? We also got our housing IDs and roommate assignments. This took about 45 minutes. Next we took a bus over to the Casting Center where we did still MORE paperwork! We got our job assignments, did background checks, fingerprints, got our schedules for the week, etc. Finally by about 11:30 we were back at our cars, had lunch, then unpacked all our things and started organizing before going to our very long, boring housing meeting. A grocery store run, dinner at Fridays right next to Downtown Disney (our very first discount because we told them we were cast members...we felt so special!), then we were done for the night.

Today was a free day for all of us, so of course we went over to Universal to experience The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Thank goodness we're all Harry Potter nerds. It was amazing. The Forbidden Journey, the new ride that's had so much buzz, was like no ride I've ever been on before. Hogsmeade was so cute, and the window displays were so detailed (they're taking a leaf out of Disney's book!). My favorites were Ollivanders (the wand shop) and Honeydukes (the candy shop). I tried a Cauldron Cake, which is basically a cauldron shaped chocolate brownie dipped in chocolate and filled with chocolate mousse. Obviously right up my alley! Now we're all back home updating blogs and uploading pictures to facebook. Corri and I have Traditions (our first training/Disney class) tomorrow at 6:45 AM, then in the afternoon we're going to check out the parks. Alex and Allie have Traditions in the afternoon, but hopefully we can all meet in the evening for yet another WISHES viewing! Now pictures:

Hermione's wand! She's my favorite character of course.

Allie, Corri, me, and Alex with the conductor in front of the Hogwarts Express.

Real butterbeer!

Alex, Allie, me, and Corri in front of part of Hogwarts Castle.

More in a few days. Have a magical day!

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