Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is This Real Life?

Even though we generally only get two days off a week, I've had quite a busy week so far. However, I did take the time to re-read all my previous posts, and in the interest of honoring my English-Creative Writing degree, I've decided to go this entire entry without describing anything as "amazing" or "awesome" or use the phrase "But really." Nothing like expanding my vocabulary!

Let's see...on Monday I didn't work until 5:30, so Allie, Alex, and another new CPer Corey (a guy, not to be confused with Corri my roommate) went to lunch at Downtown Disney, where we wandered around shopping and killing time all afternoon.

Tuesday I didn't have to work until 7:00 PM, so I met Alex and Corri at Animal Kingdom. They already had fastpasses for Kilimanjaro Safaris, so I went through the single rider line on Expedition: Everest a couple times while I waited. When we caught up to each other, the line was short so we all three went through the standby line checking for Hidden Mickeys (more on this in a moment). Then Alex and I went through with fastpasses, bringing my total Everest rides up to four for the day! Dinosaur (still terrifying!) and the breathtaking Finding Nemo: The Musical completed our afternoon, then it was off to Magic Kingdom. A note about Finding Nemo: The Musical: It is unbelievable. Definitely something that shouldn't be missed at Disney. If you hate Animal Kingdom, get over it. Go to the first showing in the morning then leave, but don't even think about skipping it. The end. Now, back to Magic Kingdom. I didn't have time for much here. We rode Dumbo, because we're super cool, and discovered you can see the Fantasyland expansion while you're up in the air! So we'll probably be riding about once a week just to check on the progress of our beloved castles (both Prince Eric and Beast will be relocating to the Magic Kingdom come 2012!). Rain was predicted, but it was only around 5:30 that the sky started getting dark. All of the sudden, it POURED. Of course, this would be the time I was parked in the third from last spot in the LAST row of the TTC (Transportation and Ticket Center) parking lot. I was soaked by the time I got to my car. I had to take off my shoes and socks and put my socks on my heater vents with the heat on high in the hopes they would dry out by the time I got to work. They didn't. I've never seen a storm come so quickly like that...and the lighting, oh my gosh. Of course I looked up lighting storms in Florida, and we're actually one of the highest lightning-density areas in the world, and have more lightning deaths than any other state, AND have unusually powerful lightning. Very reassuring as I was running to work with the sky lit up all around me.

Wednesday I had off while the three roommates all worked, so I went to explore Epcot alone. Corri was working at the Epcot Character spot, being "friends" with Minnie, so I went to meet her! Finally a character that didn't scare me. I took a picture but it hasn't been uploaded yet, so I'll put it up next time. I spent a lot of time searching for Hidden Mickeys, also. For those of you not in the know, Hidden Mickeys are pretty self explanatory. Imagineers have placed camouflaged Mickeys all over the entire resort. Usually it's just a classic Mickey, formed by the three circles, but it can be a full body or side profile as well. I have the Hidden Mickey guidebook, and I want to find as many as I can, preferably all. To me, Hidden Mickey spotting is the perfect combination of a puzzle (which I love), and a competition (which I love even long as I win). Also I just enjoy learning everything I can about everything, and Hidden Mickeys are no exception. After my fastpass for Soarin', I raced to Magic Kingdom just in time for...WISHES! It gets me every time, really.

Today, Corri was off also so we hung out. First we went to MGM (I refuse to keep explaining that it's actually called DHS. From here on out, this blog calls it MGM because I like it that way). It was packed, so we left pretty quickly to do some resort exploring. First stop was Grand Floridian and the wedding pavilion! I've always been very against a Disney wedding but I can't help being tempted when I visit that place, it's so beautiful. Next was Animal Kingdom Lodge. I'd never been here before and I have to say it might be a new favorite. This lodge actually has man-made savannas with giraffes, zebras, ostriches, kudus, and other cool creatures roaming around. After this was Port Orleans-Riverside, another resort I've never given much thought to until now. It was also beautiful, and so relaxing. The buildings really do look like plantation houses you would see in and around the New Orleans area, and the landscaping was so nice. Finally, we headed over to Magic Kingdom. Tonight we had the "pleasure" of seeing Disney's Main Street Electrical parade, and it was, in a word, disappointing. The floats were pretty, but ANY float at Disney is pretty. The music was horrible, which is almost unheard of for Disney, and some of the characters used in the floats were ridiculously obscure. Pete's Dragon, anyone? All I have to say is PLEASE bring back Spectromagic! There's just no comparison between the two.

While I'm on a negative note, let me talk about something I see at Disney that always irks me. Adults being inconsiderate of kids. The scene we witnessed tonight: Corri and I were waiting for the parade, and the sidewalk was obviously kind of crowded. We were very near a man and woman standing together. A mom walks up with two small boys and tells them to go stand in front of us, but to ask and make sure it was ok. I nodded and told her they were fine, but the man (probably mid 40s-50s) turned around and snapped (and I quote), "There ain't no room for them up here." Um, okay. If it had been a huge crowd of older kids, fine. But it was two boys, probably 7 or younger, and they were about three feet tall. Definitely not blocking his view. We're adults, we know that isn't REALLY Tinkerbell lighting up the floats with an ACTUAL magic wand. But to little kids, it's happening and it's as real as anything. Do we have to be on the front row in situations like that? considerate, seriously.

Rant over! To go in the opposite direction of that bad experience, next on the list was "The Magic, the Memories, and You" show on the castle, then...WISHES!! Then we met Allie and drove to Red Lobster where we met Alex, for our (hopefully) weekly roommate dinner.

Non-park related things I've been doing lately: CPers are allowed to take classes at Disney University, but I wasn't planning on it since I already graduated and I should probably just work overtime instead. But I just couldn't resist, so I'm now signed up to take "Exploring Guest Service at the WDW Resort," and "Exploring Disney Leadership." I know, I'm a nerd. I've also been planning/helping to schedule a couple vacations! One for my mom, dad, and brother, who are visiting at the end of February. I'm excited, because they've never done Disney the "right" way, and I can't wait to show them all the magic it really has to offer. Now pictures!

A Hidden Mickey in the aquarium at The Seas at Epcot.

We found a Hidden Mickey that isn't even in the Hidden Mickey book! That's quite an accomplishment...this is in the carpeting at the Grand Floridian, right in front of Citricos restaurant.

Disney's Wedding Pavilion. No, I didn't take this myself, obviously. It's just so pretty, I had to put a picture of it up here.

In the interest of not ending EVERY post with a picture of the castle, this is facing away from the castle down Main Street, USA. Taken by my new favorite Disney photographer, Tom Bricker. I love all his pictures and will probably be using more in the future.

Have a magical day, everyone!

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